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Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous! 

Do you know an overcomer or are you one yourself?

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I want to start by saying I do not look ANYTHING like what I’ve been through. From Teen Pregnancy, to a Suicide attempt, to becoming a widow at the age of 30, and a list of other traumatic events…it’s been nobody but God that has kept me. October 4, 2019 I lost my husband and father of my 4 children of 11 years to gun violence. The mental and emotional trauma, my life did a total 360. I was headed to host my first prayer breakfast when I got the call and I instantly went numb. Having to relay the information to my children was absolutely devastating. Its been 2 years and we are still waiting for justice to be served. I have good days, I have bad days, I have days where I feel like I’m moving forward in my healing journey, I have days where I feel like I’m stuck. I have days I feel depressed, I have days where I focus on the good memories.

I love music and I love to write, on my bad days that is exactly what I do. I write and listen to music. (Music was our thing and what we did together.) I do know that God does all things well, and so I’m strong because I rely on His strength. Becoming a widow has been hard but it has helped me excel in different areas of my life. It has made me a better stronger mother for my children and I am now able to share my story and help others through.

My advice to those that may be dealing with the loss of a husband is to allow your grief process to run its course, don’t rush it so that you can heal properly. If you have to cry, cry but know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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