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Pretty Tough the MAGAZINE

Never apologize for who you are, you've worked so hard to become her!

Our digital & Print Magazine Subscription is only $8/year or $10/single copy.

Our monthly release of Magazines will consist of:

  • Special Features Top 10: Those in the community giving back. (this could be you!)

  • Spotlight (5): Featuring those who have conquered through their trauma. (this could be you!)

  • Book recommendations: Sharing books that will provide the boost we need for mental and/or physical health.

  • Music recommendations: Sharing songs to listen to that brings a positive outlook into our minds.

  • Popular Topics: Keeping you interested in the POSITIVE things that are going on around the world and/or with our celebrities.

  • Self Help: A small article, about different topics each month, giving suggestions for you to become a better you. (E.g.: making friends, dealing with peer pressure, kicking bad habits, overcoming fears, balancing life)

  • Motivation: Motivation quote of the month, followed by three self care activities to complete. 

  • Fun: Quizzes, mini game, puzzles

  • Sponsors: Businesses that have invested into our magazine & our company, getting the chance to advertise to everyone and build their brand! Click HERE if you would like to be a sponsor.

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